Washington Plaza Baptist Church is a progressive American Baptist church located on Lake Anne Plaza. It was the first church in Reston, VA., a part of Robert E. Simon’s design for the new town named after him. At that time there were only 47 residents, none of whom were Baptist. As the town grew so did our membership. During building construction, the church met in various places, often outgrowing them. Groundbreaking for the new church building took place in July 1967, and the first service was held in July 1968. WPBC has always, and continues to, attract people of all faiths.
Washington Plaza Baptist Church is an inclusive Christian Community whose worship, communion, and fellowship are open to all. We are a safe place for all people to worship regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, gender or sexual orientation. We affirm that all have access to the love of Christ and service to God.
We are very involved in our community with in-church activities such as our “Mitten Tree” where we collect mittens, gloves, scarves, and socks to give to Embry Rucker homeless shelter for the folks in need. We also donate “pillows and pajamas” sewn by one of our members to give to the children there. Through the years, we’ve offered many classes to our community on many topics. We have held free concerts and events, like Christmas Concerts and Fall Cabarets. WPBC has held weddings for same-sex couples, most of our members helping in some way to make the day special.
WPBC has participated in many events on the plaza, opening our fellowship hall for the performers.
We are very active in PRIDE, being involved with the formation of the first Reston PRIDE and continuing to participate each year. We have also had tables on the Plaza for Founder’s Day and Jingle on the Lake. And we’ve had several Polar Dippers, including our oldest member who at 90 dipped her toes in for the cause! We donated to Camp Sunshine.
The first Sunday of every month is “Missions Sunday” where we give to local causes, such as Embry Rucker, Cornerstones and Artemis House, and global causes, such as earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, Mississippi tornado victims, and disaster relief in Maui.
The pastor, Rev. Michelle Nickens, delivers sermons that are powerful and relevant, with a focus on being Christ-like in all areas, including social justice. The people live out their claim of inclusivity and affirmation. The church community truly loves and cares about the people within the church as well as those outside its doors.
We love our Reston community and cherish the relationships we have here. And we love our Washington Plaza Church family where all are welcome and all are valued.
Why come to Washington Plaza Baptist Church? The Preaching, the People, the Purpose!
WPBC: Where People Become Community!
Washington Plaza Baptist Church is a Christian Community
We realize that everyone is at a different place in their spiritual journey and so we want to make space for all to be part of who we are collectively. We feel strongly that living out Jesus’ ethic of love is experienced best when in fellowship with others.
Washington Plaza Baptist Church is a Welcoming and Affirming Community
We are committed to being an equitable and diverse community of faith, including all people identifying as LGBTQ+. Our caring and healing community is committed to establishing relationships that offer support and encouragement to all.
Washington Plaza Baptist Church is a Historic Baptist Community
We are committed to the Baptist principles of Soul Freedom, Church Freedom, Bible Freedom, and Religious Freedom.
Washington Plaza Baptist Church is a Serving Community
We recognize that everyone is a minister and there is a place for all to serve within our congregation and community.